Monday, 24 October 2011

TV Drama: Summery

Essay Should Include Ideas On:
Mise En Scene
+Everything in the scene
+ Props
+Body Language
+Lighting >> key, back, fill
+Denotations and Connotations
+Stereotypes >> 7 Areas, Tessa Perkins' theories

+Framing >> where things are placed in the shot and why

+Length of Frames
+Shot Reverse Shot
+180' Rule
+Narrative Time
+Narrative Theories
+Codes >> enigma codes

+Diegetic/Non-Diegetic Sound
+Contrapuntal >> doesn't fit/match scene
+Parallel >> matches/fits
+Bridges >> links scenes

Essay: How Do Hollywood Ensure Success?

Hollywood Essay

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

TV Drama: Notes on 'After Thomas'

+ Colour is used in the first section when a red bus passes by, this connotates danger/trouble. The rest of the colours are quite dull and normal, this is because it is realistic and there for 'normal' colours are used.
+ Also, later in the second section, the red bus drives past again, this time it is slower and more distinct, the red carries enigma codes (links to narrative theories - Barthes), again, for danger.
+ Street, change of setting to office, change of setting to house

Camera (Angles and Movements):
+ In the first section, between and behind cars, cars going by (could be representational of life going by - subjective time - narrative)
+ Close ups, emphasis on characters emotions, show details such as scratches on mothers face, show struggle and pain (representational of emotional pain or mental strain in situation)
+ Second section - long shots for context, close ups for emotions and perspective of mother
+ over-the-shoulder shot of shop assistants shoulder, makes you judge/ make a judgement, other mother in shop helps this - 'ill behaved child' etc
+ Over-the-shoulder and mid shots are 'passer by' angles, as if you are there - creates realism
+ Second section, track shots if street - context, over-the-shoulder shots - on-lookers point of view

Narrative (Time and Theories):
+ During the first section, the narrative time is subjective time - shows the story from protagonists perspective (mother's view) and emphasises her emotions
+ similar moments in second section to show the mothers emotions
+ Bathes - Enigma codes and action codes
+ Challenges Todorov's - doesn't start with calm
+ Ideology - difficulties dealing with disability and ignorance
+ Levi-Strauss - binary opposites - 'normal' and 'not normal', known and understood against unknown and lack of understanding, 'good behaviour' and 'bad behaviour'
+ mother is protagonist


+ Magnified sounds emphasising danger in the situation
+ Diagetic Sound in first section - high pitch screaming, buzzing, ringing, traffic sounds, breathing, alarms, beeps etc. all manipulated sounds that are blurred and stretched out
+ Non-Diagetic Sound in first section - music juxtaposing scenes mood, creates enigma codes (relates to narrative theories - Barthes), calm music overlaid with the 'distressing' diagetic sounds creates contrasts - perhaps represents relationship between mother and child, help and care etc (relates to representation - age)


+ In the first section, slow motion (also comes under narrative time), continuity edits
+ showing of date (contextual)
+ Transitions in first section, straight cut white with writing, dramatic and emphasised, shows clear change in time and narrative time
+ Action editing in second section (fast pace)


+ First section - care between mother and child
+ Second section - spoilt child, does something right, gets a treat, routine
+ Third section - normal mother trying to teach child to cross road - mother - protective, angry at ignorance of others, mother feels she must protect and defend her sons actions
+ man doesn't leave for fire bell - priority is work, doesn't have time to waste, can't work overtime

TV Drama: Success Criteria

Success Criteria

Marks are out of 50:
+ 20 marks - Explanation/ Analysis/ Argument
+ 20 marks - Use of Examples
+ 10 marks - Use of terminology

Explanation/ Analysis/ Argument:

+ Explain
+ Analysis what they're trying to portray and why
+ Argue with opposing theories and ideas
+ Show understanding

Use of Examples:

+ A range of examples
+ Frequent use
+ Relevant and appropriate
+ Focus on set question, refer back to this. (Representation)

Use of Terminology:

+ Accurate use
+ Well Structured
+ Sentences, Punctuation, Grammer (S,P,G)
+ Frequent use
+ Complex

Saturday, 8 October 2011

TV Drama: Narrative Theories In A Pixar Short Film

Jack Jack Attack

The Narrative 

The Narrative of this animated short film features elements from all the 4 narative theories. For example; Todorov's theory is shown through the use of the his idea of begining with equillibrum, followed by diruption of this, which creates a chain of events that eventually ends with the solving of problems and the restoration of balance, and therefore the equillibum. Barthes' Theory is also portrayed in the film with action codes, enigma codes, semantic codes, cultural codes and symbolism all being used in the narrative.

The Characters

The characters in the short film demonstrate Propp's theory;
The Villans(s) - the 'replacement babysitter' (Syndrome)
The Hero - 
The Donor (who provides an object with some magic property) - Kari (Sitter)
The Helper (who aids the hero) - 
The Princess (The sought for person, reward for the hero and object of the villan's schemes) - Jack Jack
Her Father (who rewards the hero) - Mr. Incredible
The Dispatcher (who sends the hero on their way) -
The False Hero - Syndrome, Kari (Sitter)

The Ideas Behind It 

The ideas behind the short film demonstrate Levi-Strauss' Theories of binary opposites. For example; The story line contains opposites such as good and evil, normal and strange, and known and unknown.