Wednesday 12 October 2011

TV Drama: Notes on 'After Thomas'

+ Colour is used in the first section when a red bus passes by, this connotates danger/trouble. The rest of the colours are quite dull and normal, this is because it is realistic and there for 'normal' colours are used.
+ Also, later in the second section, the red bus drives past again, this time it is slower and more distinct, the red carries enigma codes (links to narrative theories - Barthes), again, for danger.
+ Street, change of setting to office, change of setting to house

Camera (Angles and Movements):
+ In the first section, between and behind cars, cars going by (could be representational of life going by - subjective time - narrative)
+ Close ups, emphasis on characters emotions, show details such as scratches on mothers face, show struggle and pain (representational of emotional pain or mental strain in situation)
+ Second section - long shots for context, close ups for emotions and perspective of mother
+ over-the-shoulder shot of shop assistants shoulder, makes you judge/ make a judgement, other mother in shop helps this - 'ill behaved child' etc
+ Over-the-shoulder and mid shots are 'passer by' angles, as if you are there - creates realism
+ Second section, track shots if street - context, over-the-shoulder shots - on-lookers point of view

Narrative (Time and Theories):
+ During the first section, the narrative time is subjective time - shows the story from protagonists perspective (mother's view) and emphasises her emotions
+ similar moments in second section to show the mothers emotions
+ Bathes - Enigma codes and action codes
+ Challenges Todorov's - doesn't start with calm
+ Ideology - difficulties dealing with disability and ignorance
+ Levi-Strauss - binary opposites - 'normal' and 'not normal', known and understood against unknown and lack of understanding, 'good behaviour' and 'bad behaviour'
+ mother is protagonist


+ Magnified sounds emphasising danger in the situation
+ Diagetic Sound in first section - high pitch screaming, buzzing, ringing, traffic sounds, breathing, alarms, beeps etc. all manipulated sounds that are blurred and stretched out
+ Non-Diagetic Sound in first section - music juxtaposing scenes mood, creates enigma codes (relates to narrative theories - Barthes), calm music overlaid with the 'distressing' diagetic sounds creates contrasts - perhaps represents relationship between mother and child, help and care etc (relates to representation - age)


+ In the first section, slow motion (also comes under narrative time), continuity edits
+ showing of date (contextual)
+ Transitions in first section, straight cut white with writing, dramatic and emphasised, shows clear change in time and narrative time
+ Action editing in second section (fast pace)


+ First section - care between mother and child
+ Second section - spoilt child, does something right, gets a treat, routine
+ Third section - normal mother trying to teach child to cross road - mother - protective, angry at ignorance of others, mother feels she must protect and defend her sons actions
+ man doesn't leave for fire bell - priority is work, doesn't have time to waste, can't work overtime

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