Tuesday 15 November 2011

TV Drama: My Boy Jack: Notes

Notes from the opening of 'My Boy Jack'


+Establishing shot of fields/countryside and car - setting - wide shot
+Close ups of car - importance - money - social status
+Longs shots of car approaching - determination
+Close ups of characters faces - emotions
+Track shots - determination
+Over ther shoulder/ shot reverse shot/ mid shot - converstation
+Low angle of man -shows his importance
+View of the driver - mid shot - hand held - from characters point of view
+Birds eye shot of boys waiting and high angle shots- lower status - no authority in situation - under pressure
+Close up of characters face when reading letters - worry - shows audience this is a problem thats an important part of the story.
+Fades in
+Eyelevel shots of conversation and subjective points of view add realism

Characters Performance:

+Daniel Radcliffe and other actors are familiar
+Characters are well educate, rich and posh, respected but snobby towards each other
+White British
+Jack is seen as less important due to his fathers job
+Based on a true story - adds realism


+Short, formal conversation
+Formal, SE, matches characters social class
+Use of last names and titles such as 'sir' show lack of close or strong relationships and a formal setting/situation


+Primary audience - older - wartime themes - people can relate
+Big stars broaden audience to younger generations - higher production values, worth watching
+Represents change of values since 1914 - had to be born in a higher class to live a better life
+Discrimination - glasses/poor eyesight


+Clock ticking at start (digetic)
+Sunny weather and happy music - matches
+Non-digetic sound - strings - reflects nerves

TV Drama:

+Genre - historical
+Clothing/costume and props
+Stereotypical - about war - male audience - daniel radcliffe would appeal to younger audience

Narrative Sequence:

+Clock ticking by - narrative time - you see time as they both experience it
+Clock appears twice to show realtime shots used aren't linked to each other


+Set in WW1 england 1914 - relationships, cars, told on transition screen, costumes
+High and low classes
+Rich familys, social class


+Countryside and  Manor houses
+Props - watches are traditional to time period/era - upper class bright sunny day - representation mans mood (freedom)
+Boy is inside - smaller space - under pressure - nerves
+Boys is in a darker place - more serious
+Uniforms and suits show class and jobs


+Close-ups of clock - times
+Parallel editing, two things happening at the same time
+Black screen with white text - date and setting

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