Thursday 8 September 2011

Class Survey

Choice of Films: Class Survey Conclusion
During the class survey I found that most people watched mainly American films, this is most likely due to the fact that there are more American films made and they're made on a higher budget so therefore have better effects, technology and actors. This is also due to they're wider distribution areas. However, many people had also seen quite a few British film, these were generally comedies that have been successful in Britain because they are made to suit the British sense of humour.

Pros and Cons of Types of Viewing:
Pros: You can record films of television so they can be watched whenever and several times, this and viewing live are free, on some t.v's you can pause it, and when its recorded you can also skip the adverts. There may be less noise.
Cons: It's on a smaller screen and fewer people, this may reduce the atmosphere and effect created by the film. Also, if you haven't recorded it and just watched it live you have to wait for the DVD release before you can see it again. The advert breaks can also effect the films connection with the audience, making it less impressive or effective.

Pros: You have a big screen and better sound, it's also a shared experience which can add to the atmosphere and therefore effect of the film.
Cons: It's expensive, and the price for one viewing at the cinema is very similar to the price of the DVD which can watched many times. The amount of people can make it noisy, or block your view.

Pros: You don't have to wait for DVD releases, it's free and you can share the film with friends etc.
Cons: Quality can be lower or impaired, you can't get subtitles, the connections can be slow.

Pros: You can keep it and therefore, watch it as many times as you like. The quality is good, you can share it with friends and DVD's often include extras and special features.
Cons: The discs can easily get damaged, lost or broken. DVD's also take up a lot of space to store them. They can be expensive, however watching is unlimited, making the price more worth while.

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