Thursday 15 September 2011

TV Drama: Mise-En-Scene

The setting for this scene is a bonfire on the beach, you can see tell this because they are sitting on the sand and there is fire in the background. The dark lighting also shows the audience it is late evening/night time during this scene. The setting creates a relaxed, romantic atomsphere and mood between the characters.

The costumes suggest they are in a relaxed environment as both people are dressed very casually and therefore appear laid back. The girl is wearing a skirt, top and necklace, the basic outfit emphasises her personality and mood. This is the same for the man, the jeans and shirt are laid back, but the shirt shows he has a slightly more uptight or awkward presence.

The girl in this picture looks more laid back than the man. Her body language also shows more confidence. The man looks more awkward, showing us he is trying to impress. His body language, having his arm accross, blocking her back, also shows he isn't willing to let her in.

The lighting in this scene creates a close, romantic atmosphere. It also has a relaxed feel. This scene has low lighting, to create the mood. The key lighting comes from the fire on the left, there is little other lighting, except a light on them, from infront, to emphasise them.

The positioning in the frame puts emphasis on the two people by placing them centrally in the shot. This shows the audience they are the most important people in the scene. The placement of the fire also emphasises the setting, showing that the atmosphere and mood are important in the scene.

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