Tuesday 27 September 2011

TV Drama: Analysising Sound: Apocalypse Clip

The sound used in the Apocalypse clip is mainly parallel sound, sounds that match the scenes mood and themes.
At the beginning of the clip sound is used solely to create atmosphere and portray setting, the sounds here are both digetic and non-digetic sounds, however, the sound here is also disorientated through editing which had made certain noises louder than others to overpower the noise made by the main set of characters.
The clip then moves on to use atmospheric music that synchronises with the mood and actions in the scene, a parallel sound.
Further on in the clip, many sound effects are used such as layered sounds which are added in as non-digetic sounds that emphasise certain actions in the scene, such as gun fire, marching soldiers and helicopters. These sounds are also used in the scene as disorientating sounds which cover certain elements of the conversation/dialogue to increase the scenes realism.
Music is also layered over the action and sounds later in the clip. The music used at one point contrapuntal music, as it is sound which does not add to the realism, it also contrasts the action in the scene playing glory and victorious music over sad, harsh war scenes. It creates a bias for the audience towards the army.

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