Thursday 1 December 2011

TV Drama: Skins: Camera Example Paragraph

The idea that teenagers are curious about sex is reinforced through the over the shoulder shot used when he is looking at the older woman getting dressed through the window over the road. The shot is hand held so that the audience can have the same experience as the teenage main character. The following close up shot shows a lack of expression suggesting that this is routine and he has become disaffected by the image. This conforms to the stereotype that teenagers' lives are surrounded by sex and it plays a big part in their lives.

The high angle, hand held shot from the protagonists' window of his sister as she arrives home shows that she heavily relies on him, this conforms with the stereotype that teenagers rely on older siblings and look up to them. The following low angle, eye-line match shot of Tony from his sisters point of view reinforces this idea by showing us he has the power in the situation. The eye-line match shot of the door as Tony looks at it and then the close up of his face as he smirks shows us that he knows what is about to happen, this again suggests again that this is part of the protagonists routine. The way in which this is planned shows the deceitful side of the teenagers, conforming with the stereotype that teenagers sneak around and often manipulate and lie to their parents.

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