Monday 5 December 2011

TV Drama: Skins: Sound Example Paragraph

The dialogue between the father and the son shows a reversal in audeince expectations. We see the father shouting and swearing at the teenager, which is normally something we would expect to hear from the teenager. The father's aggressive reaction to the diegetic rock music plays to the stereotype that teenagers play loud music and are inconsiderate to older people. His reaction also plays to the stereotype that teenagers frustrate their parents.

The digetic sound of the alarm clock which is heard at the begining is there to wake the protagonist up, the fact that we see that Tony is already awake shows us that he is stressed or worried and unable to relax and sleep properly. This conforms with the stereotype that teenagers have stressful and complicated lives, however it also challenges the idea that teenagers are relaxed and carefree about their problems. The non-diagetic sound used for the music, that we see Tony turn on after he wakes up, has a very repetative beat which portrays the idea that he likes routine and order in his life.

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